Check out the
Swagbucks Blog and pick your favorite teams in the playoff matchups for 8 swagbucks (4 points per pick).
If you aren't sure how to enter SwagCodes, just go to the
Swagbucks homepage and
login, on the left side of the page you will see your Swagbuck totals and underneath that you will see a place that says "Enter Your Code". When you find a Swagcode enter it there to get your points.
Not a Swagger yet? Then today is the day to
join since it's Mega Swagbucks day, which means you can win up to 1000 swagbucks for your searches. Plus you get 30 Swagbucks just for joining. It only takes 450 Swagbucks to earn a $5 Amazon card (which you can easily earn in a few weeks just by doing searches).