Friday, December 17, 2010

Grocery Prices Rising, Have You Noticed?

According to this article, grocery prices have risen 1.5 time the rate of inflation this last year and are expected to rise 4% next year. I can't say I've noticed. Maybe it's because we are an area where prices seem to be lower overall, or maybe it's because while grocery prices were rising I was just beginning my efforts to really cut our grocery bill by shopping sales and using coupons.

The first couple of months that we started this I sat down after every grocery trip and added all the prices of all the items we bought into a spreadsheet. This was my effort to learn of one grocery chain really had higher prices than the other; Kroger vs Publix. What I learned was that the answer was "not really". On some items, yes Publix runs higher regularly, but then on some items Kroger runs higher. Oddly, however, I found that their regular prices on the items that are staples in our house were basically the same (within pennies, if not identical). So I stopped worrying about it.

Now, I just shop the sales and use coupons (religiously), for the staples I just grab them at whichever store I am at when I need that item (if I remember). That's probably been the one downside about shopping sales so much, I often forget to grab the milk that I'm out of.

So, what about it? Have you noticed an increase in grocery prices?

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